
RightsAfrica.com is the central website for the African Human Rights Media Network. Member organizations contribute articles and other media to RightsAfrica.com and receive a wealth of articles from RightsAfrica.com in return.

The network publishes and distributes news articles, videos, features, and commentaries about Africa that educate readers and viewers about the struggles of minorities, including sexual minorities, for respect and recognition of their human rights.

Founding members of the network are the Nigeria-based NoStringsNG website (NoStringsNG.com) and the U.S.-based Erasing 76 Crimes blog (76crimes.com).  The founding sponsor is the U.S.-based St. Paul’s Foundation for International Reconciliation (saintpaulsfoundation.org).

Our vision is a world where all people are treated with respect and dignity and are guaranteed all human rights, without discrimination, stigma, harassment, or repression on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other status.

For network-related inquiries, email: [email protected]
For inquiries about Rights Africa, send an email to: [email protected]