Category: Central Africa

1 2 3 4 50 / 168 POSTS
Cameroon’s SOS Solidarity launches sexual health and legal services project

Cameroon’s SOS Solidarity launches sexual health and legal services project

By Jean Jacques Dissoke SOS Solidarity Rights and Health Association (SORIH) launched a new project last month in Yaoundé, Cameroon, to fight a [...]
Readers’ donations set free 4 gay prisoners in Cameroon

Readers’ donations set free 4 gay prisoners in Cameroon

Four young gay men in southern Cameroon are trying to get their lives on track now that readers' donations to Project Not Alone have paid their fi [...]
Cameroon’s lesbian First Daughter: ‘Let my story change the law’

Cameroon’s lesbian First Daughter: ‘Let my story change the law’

The lesbian daughter of Cameroon's president wants her nation to stop jailing homosexuals. In an interview with the French publication "Le Parisi [...]
Will Cameroon repeal anti-LGBT law after First Daughter came out as a lesbian?

Will Cameroon repeal anti-LGBT law after First Daughter came out as a lesbian?

LGBTI rights activists say the need to repeal Cameroon's anti-homosexuality laws has become obvious, now that the daughter of longtime Cameroon Pr [...]
Cameroon: Donations free 3 innocent lesbians from prison

Cameroon: Donations free 3 innocent lesbians from prison

By Steeves Winner Prison is a jungle where the law of the strongest reigns. That's the lesson that three innocent lesbians -- Chrison, Amso and [...]
Study finds less anti-LGBTI violence in Cameroon. Is it accurate?

Study finds less anti-LGBTI violence in Cameroon. Is it accurate?

 COMMENTARY By Jean Jacques Dissoke Has Cameroon become a much safer place for LGBTI people? It's a question raised by the publication of [...]
A decade of failure at the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights

A decade of failure at the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights

COMMENTARY Back in 2014, it sounded so good: The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) passed a resolution opposing human rig [...]
Good news for LGBTQ prisoners: You did it! Project Not Alone hits goal in a week.

Good news for LGBTQ prisoners: You did it! Project Not Alone hits goal in a week.

Generous donors have contributed $9,447 in the seven days since Project Not Alone announced its 2024 fund drive on May 3. That surpassed the goal [...]
LGBTQ health and rights advocacy group expands in Cameroon

LGBTQ health and rights advocacy group expands in Cameroon

By Jean Jacques Dissoke The capital of Cameroon has gained a new health and human-rights center serving LGBTQ people and others most at-risk [...]
Congo lawmaker wants jail, not slavery, for LGBT people

Congo lawmaker wants jail, not slavery, for LGBT people

Congolese member of parliament and former presidential candidate Constant Mutamba is standing by his bill that would criminalize gay sex for the f [...]
The story of a lesbian couple imprisoned in Cameroon

The story of a lesbian couple imprisoned in Cameroon

PROJECT NOT ALONE The story of Martha and Sally has a happy ending. Sort of. A lesbian couple, they had been living together peacefully i [...]
Cameroon: A merciful principal confronts two lesbian students

Cameroon: A merciful principal confronts two lesbian students

By Jean Jacques Dissoke Youth Day is a festival held on Feb. 11 each year in Cameroon to celebrate the potential of the nation's young citizens [...]
Lesbian couple walks out of prison thanks to donors to Project Not Alone

Lesbian couple walks out of prison thanks to donors to Project Not Alone

Couple in Cameron spent 11+ months in prison without a trial. Two women in Cameroon spent nearly a year behind bars without a trial after they [...]
Trans women in the Congo face new dangers during election campaign

Trans women in the Congo face new dangers during election campaign

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the campaign of presidential and local candidates kicked off on Nov. 20 and will continue until the ele [...]
Cameroon: Gay man flees after enduring an exorcism for his homosexuality

Cameroon: Gay man flees after enduring an exorcism for his homosexuality

By Steeves Winner “I am a homosexual, I am attracted to men and I feel good about that. I am like that and I have always been like that." Wi [...]
Legal challenges to anti-LGBTQ laws are under way in at least 10 nations

Legal challenges to anti-LGBTQ laws are under way in at least 10 nations

Legal challenges to anti-LGBTQ laws are under way in Africa and in the Caribbean. In the map above, which shows the 66 nations with anti-homosexua [...]
Cameroon: She searches her husband’s phone and discovers he is gay

Cameroon: She searches her husband’s phone and discovers he is gay

  In Cameroon, homophobia + adultery = the end of a marriage. Author Steeves Winner tells the tale: By Steeves Winner On Aug. 20, [...]
Cameroon:  Homophobes keep targeting LGBTI community and defenders

Cameroon: Homophobes keep targeting LGBTI community and defenders

Cameroon's LGBTI community continues to be the target of homophobic violence. Two incidents from early summer typify the ongoing problem. By Gh [...]
LGBTQ+ refugees in Africa celebrate Pride safely, joyously, nutritiously

LGBTQ+ refugees in Africa celebrate Pride safely, joyously, nutritiously

Refugees in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia celebrated Pride this month with nutritious, festive meals organized by the human rights advocates of the Afr [...]
Homophobic Cameroon blocks visit by French ambassador for LGBT+ rights

Homophobic Cameroon blocks visit by French ambassador for LGBT+ rights

Throughout last week, a violent anti-French and LGBTphobic campaign on social networks led to the cancellation of a visit to Cameroon by Jean-Ma [...]
Four African nations’ battles against gay-themed films

Four African nations’ battles against gay-themed films

Officials in Cameroon, Kenya, Egypt and Uganda take different approaches   Four scenes -- among many -- of homophobic African officia [...]
In the Congo, some hope to use anti-gay Uganda as a role model

In the Congo, some hope to use anti-gay Uganda as a role model

Gift bags with rainbow colors spark protest at mining conference. Activist comments: 'In a world running out of ideas, LGBTphobia moves in where polit [...]
Cameroon LGBTI advocates want funders to focus on decriminalization

Cameroon LGBTI advocates want funders to focus on decriminalization

To get email notices of new articles, subscribe for free in the box at right. By Steeves Winner On the occasion of the Internati [...]
African Human Rights Commission affirms intersex people’s rights

African Human Rights Commission affirms intersex people’s rights

To get email notices of new articles, subscribe for free in the box at right. The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, [...]
Alternatives Cameroon trains LGBTI activists to access U.S. anti-AIDS funds

Alternatives Cameroon trains LGBTI activists to access U.S. anti-AIDS funds

CLICK to receive an email notice of each new Erasing 76 Crimes article By Steeves Winner LGBT advocacy organization Alternatives C [...]
Plea for action against Congo machete attack, rapes, arson

Plea for action against Congo machete attack, rapes, arson

LGBTI+ people in the eastern Congo remain at risk of murder and rape. To get email notices of new articles, subscribe for free in the box a [...]
Conference in Paris aims to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide

Conference in Paris aims to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide

France's new ambassador for LGBTI rights lends his support to African activists. To get email notices of new articles, subscribe for free i [...]
Congo: A neglected region with forgotten victims

Congo: A neglected region with forgotten victims

LGBTI people face tremendous violence and discrimination in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a sprawling country of more than 100 million people [...]
Imprisoned for being a lesbian, aided by donors, Octavia has been set free

Imprisoned for being a lesbian, aided by donors, Octavia has been set free

Arrested for sending text messages to her girlfriend, then sentenced to seven months in a Cameroonian prison for homosexuality, 28-year-old lesbian Oc [...]
Attacks and arrests put LGBTI activists on edge in Cameroon

Attacks and arrests put LGBTI activists on edge in Cameroon

After a period of relative calm, the year 2023 began with anti-LGBTI arrests and assaults  against LGBTI people and activists in Cameroon. [...]
Pope says homosexuality not a crime

Pope says homosexuality not a crime

Pope Francis this week called for the repeal of laws against homosexuality. To get email notices of new articles, subscribe for free in the b [...]
Attacks and arrests put LGBTI activists on edge in Cameroon

Attacks and arrests put LGBTI activists on edge in Cameroon

After a period of relative calm, the year 2023 began with anti-LGBTI arrests and assaults  against LGBTI people and activists in Cameroon. [...]
Congo: Targeted by homophobic attacks, LGBTI defenders work to help victims

Congo: Targeted by homophobic attacks, LGBTI defenders work to help victims

LGBTI rights activists in the Democratic Republic of the Congo achieved some successes in 2022 and are hoping to protect LGBTI people from violence mo [...]
LGBTI rights activists compete to sharpen skills in Cameroon

LGBTI rights activists compete to sharpen skills in Cameroon

Health Care Cameroon (HC²), an organization that serves men who have sex with men (MSM) in the city of Bafia, Cameroon, was crowned winner of the seco [...]
Cameroon: Honors for Michel Engama, ‘valiant soldier for human rights’

Cameroon: Honors for Michel Engama, ‘valiant soldier for human rights’

The Canadian embassy in Cameroon has honored the human rights work of Michel Engama, who is president both of both the LGBTI advocacy group Camfaids a [...]
European Union prepares to assist LGBTI rights groups in Cameroon

European Union prepares to assist LGBTI rights groups in Cameroon

The coalition of Cameroon's 34 LGBTI rights organizations has signed a contract with the Delegation of the European Union in Cameroon to improve the g [...]
Burglars keep targeting LGBTI advocates in Cameroon

Burglars keep targeting LGBTI advocates in Cameroon

Again and again, LGBTI rights groups in Cameroon have been targeted by homophobic vandals and burglars. Complaints to police been met with indifferenc [...]
Cameroon nurse assaulted and evicted because he treats gays

Cameroon nurse assaulted and evicted because he treats gays

By Courtney Stans Because of his work with LGBTI people, last month a nurse in Cameroon was attacked at home by a neighbor who accused him of being [...]
Cameroon lawyers plan free legal aid for LGBTQI and HIV+ clients

Cameroon lawyers plan free legal aid for LGBTQI and HIV+ clients

By Ghislain J. Nkontchou Eleven Cameroonian lawyers have formed a new organization, the Commission of Lawyers for the Assistance of Key and Vulnera [...]
Magistrate tells Cameroon LGBTI rights conference to be more discreet

Magistrate tells Cameroon LGBTI rights conference to be more discreet

A leading LGBTI rights organization in Cameroon, Alternatives Cameroon, held a conference with key decision makers to help improve access to health se [...]
Without disruption, Cameroon’s LGBTI coalition elects new leadership

Without disruption, Cameroon’s LGBTI coalition elects new leadership

The UNITY umbrella organization of Cameroon's varied LGBTI rights advocacy groups has elected a new board after a spirited campaign. "We all won," sai [...]
Key members of Cameroonian society join fight against homophobia

Key members of Cameroonian society join fight against homophobia

To combat homophobia in Cameroon, a wide range of law enforcement officers, health personnel, lawyers, media personnel and traditional leaders joined [...]
DR Congo: Dejected LGBTI activist returns, despite dangers

DR Congo: Dejected LGBTI activist returns, despite dangers

Congolese LGBTI rights activist Jeremie Safari thought he was out of the woods after he fled west in March to the anonymity of the capital city, Kinsh [...]
Targeted by homophobia, Alternatives-Cameroon suffers another burglary

Targeted by homophobia, Alternatives-Cameroon suffers another burglary

The offices of the LGBTI advocacy organization Alternatives-Cameroon have been burglarized -- again. From the African Human Rights Media Ne [...]
Cameroon: Rising violence and arrests of LGBTI people

Cameroon: Rising violence and arrests of LGBTI people

Security forces in Cameroon are failing to protect LGBTI people from violent attacks and instead are arresting the victims, Human Rights Watch said in [...]
Grateful but wary: The story of a raped lesbian in Cameroon

Grateful but wary: The story of a raped lesbian in Cameroon

This story begins with a rape and ends with a crib. From the African Human Rights Media NetworkSubscribe for free in the box at right. [...]
Congo: LGBTI+ rights defender hides from death threats, faces prosecution

Congo: LGBTI+ rights defender hides from death threats, faces prosecution

For more than a week, Congolese LGBTI+ rights activist and Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko executive director Jérémie Safari has been hiding from death th [...]
Cameroon: Freed after 18 months, gay men say ‘thank you’ to supporters

Cameroon: Freed after 18 months, gay men say ‘thank you’ to supporters

Generous donors have brought about the early release of nine Cameroonian prisoners who were convicted of homosexuality. Two more are scheduled for rel [...]
In 3-2 loss to prison guards, Cameroon’s lesbian footballers advance women’s rights

In 3-2 loss to prison guards, Cameroon’s lesbian footballers advance women’s rights

An inclusive football/soccer match between lesbian rights activists and female prison guards was a highlight of this week's celebrations of Internatio [...]
Cameroon: Lesbian barely survived family rejection; now she has hope

Cameroon: Lesbian barely survived family rejection; now she has hope

TRIGGER WARNING:  After a 25-year-old lesbian told her family about her sexual orientation, their harsh reaction left her unwilling to go on living. B [...]
1 2 3 4 50 / 168 POSTS