Tag: Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Act

Europe heaps praise on Uganda, turns a blind eye to Ugandan repression
This is a commentary from Fabrice Houdart’s weekly newsletter on LGBTQ+ Equality. Click here to subscribe. Houdart is executive director of the Associ [...]

Uganda squirms as pressure mounts to repeal anti-gay law
By Joto La Jiwe
As human rights defenders inside and outside of Uganda await a Constitutional Court ruling on petitions challenging the Anti-Ho [...]

Uganda medical researchers ordered to report homosexuals to the government
Medical researchers are crying foul over a new directive from Uganda's National Council for Science and Technology requiring them to report any st [...]

Violence against LGBTQ Ugandans surges after Anti-Homosexuality Act
By Joto La Jiwe
A new report by the Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF), has revealed a rapid increase in cases of violence and [...]

Do not discriminate against gay patients, Ugandan authorities tell health workers
By Joto La Jiwe
In a move that seems aimed at limiting the harms done by Uganda's newly enacted Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA), the government of [...]
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