Tag: Alex Kofi Donkor

World Bank is undecided: Sanction Ghana if anti-LGBTQ bill takes effect?

World Bank is undecided: Sanction Ghana if anti-LGBTQ bill takes effect?

Ghana needs help with $20 billion debt, but homophobia might stand in its way   As a supporter of human rights, the World Bank will have a [...]
In hiding, Ghana’s queer activists keep up the fight

In hiding, Ghana’s queer activists keep up the fight

Despite having to flee after the state raided their offices, members of LGBT+ Rights Ghana vow to continue to work for legal recognition in a country [...]
LGBTQ+ Rights Ghana appeals for help from President Akufo-Addo

LGBTQ+ Rights Ghana appeals for help from President Akufo-Addo

The advocacy group LGBT+ Rights Ghana yesterday appealed to Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo for protection. A letter to Akufo-Addo from [...]
Ghana: Police raid LGBT+ center; activists call for boycott

Ghana: Police raid LGBT+ center; activists call for boycott

After police raided Ghana's new LGBT+ center on Wednesday, gay-rights activists called for a boycott of anti-LGBT leaders and celebrities in the West [...]
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