Tag: Paul Biya

Cameroon’s lesbian First Daughter: ‘Let my story change the law’

Cameroon’s lesbian First Daughter: ‘Let my story change the law’

The lesbian daughter of Cameroon's president wants her nation to stop jailing homosexuals. In an interview with the French publication "Le Parisi [...]
Will Cameroon repeal anti-LGBT law after First Daughter came out as a lesbian?

Will Cameroon repeal anti-LGBT law after First Daughter came out as a lesbian?

LGBTI rights activists say the need to repeal Cameroon's anti-homosexuality laws has become obvious, now that the daughter of longtime Cameroon Pr [...]
Cameroon: Homophobia as a political ploy

Cameroon: Homophobia as a political ploy

Cameroon provides the latest example of a despicable tradition in homophobic nations -- hurling accusations of homosexuality as a political ploy. [...]
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