Tag: activism

Introducing 7 African LGBTQ+ activists working for change
Vogue Magazine published an article last month profiling seven outstanding activists fighting to improve LGBTQ+ rights across Africa
The articl [...]

Senior Uganda government health rights ally Prof. Anthony Mbonye has died
Prof. Anthony Mbonye, the former Director General of Uganda's Health Services who has been instrumental in advocating for healthcare access for homose [...]

New Nigerian song promotes sexual diversity and human rights for all
Nigerian singer and human rights activist Samuel Uchenna, popularly known as Samuch, has released an empowering new song that promotes respect for all [...]

Nigerian activist: It’s time to march against anti-LGBT bias
Nigerian human rights activist Samuel Uchenna has suggested that it's time for public demonstrations by LGBTIQ+ Nigerians pushing back against the cou [...]

Will gay Nigerians ever be free to openly live their authentic lives?
It's time to evaluate the successes and failures of LGBT rights strategies in Nigeria.
From the African Human Rights Media Network
By [...]
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