Tag: Davis Mac-Iyalla

Homophobic attackers target LGBTQ+ activist as he is installed as a chief in Ghana
West African LGBTQ+ rights activist Davis Mac-Iyalla was attacked over the weekend as he took part in a ceremony installing him as a chief in central [...]

Anti-gay vs. gay-friendly religion go head-to-head in Ghana
The Presbyterian Church of Ghana has come out in favor of harsh penalties for public displays of same-sex affection and for anyone who supports LGBTQ [...]

African and French activists unite against Ghana’s extreme anti-LGBT bill
LGBT rights activists traveled from West Africa to France earlier this month to join forces with French activists in opposition to the extreme anti-LG [...]

African churches: Why preach love, then imprison gays?
Why do people who preach love every Sunday want people put in prison for what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms? That was one of the questions [...]

Nigeria: 100+ youths face homosexuality charges in court
Over 100 young persons who were arrested in Asaba, Nigeria, and alleged to be gays and lesbians are now facing homosexuality-related charges in court. [...]
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