Tag: Transwomen

Here’s how we’ll help 2 trans Nigerians imprisoned after being attacked

Here’s how we’ll help 2 trans Nigerians imprisoned after being attacked

Project Not Alone is seeking donations to feed and free them. PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria - Two transgender women find themselves injured and behind [...]
Meet the trans Ugandan activist fighting for rights on social media

Meet the trans Ugandan activist fighting for rights on social media

“If you want to know that [Keem] is a man, just snatch away his phone and run,” taunted an Internet troll under Keem Love Black’s new profile picture [...]
Uganda: Media bias leads to harassment of trans women

Uganda: Media bias leads to harassment of trans women

COMMENTARY. Prejudiced media reporting sets the stage for the ongoing problem of Ugandan transgender women being harassed and stigmatized. From [...]
Uganda: Two trans women brutally attacked; one is missing

Uganda: Two trans women brutally attacked; one is missing

Transgender women in Uganda are living in fear after a brutal attack on two trans women Oct. 12 in Kampala, which came amid renewed calls by some of t [...]
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