Tag: Scott Lively

Archbishop Tutu boosts Bible guide promoting love for queer Africans
Does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Not according to a The Bible and "Homosexuality," a new guide book from South Africa's Inclusive and Affirming M [...]

Uganda, US faith leaders discuss LGBTQI rights in Africa
Faith leaders from the United States and Uganda called upon churches in Africa to open their doors to LGBTQI persons at a virtual conference organised [...]

Homophobic leader Rebecca Kadaga dropped by Uganda Parliament
The homophobic Speaker of Ugandan Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, has been dropped by her ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party and replaced by [...]

Homophobic Tanzania seeks close ties to gay-friendly Joe Biden
The homophobic Tanzanian President, Dr John Magufuli, has sent a belated congratulatory message to U.S. President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-e [...]

Uganda: Officials disagree on need for a new anti-gay bill
Ugandan officials are divided over whether to bother introducing a new Anti-Homosexuality Bill.
From the African Human Rights Media Network [...]

Scott Lively targeted him in Uganda. Now he targets Lively in U.S.
Arch-homophobe the Rev. Scott Lively was a driving force behind the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2014, which incited an anti-LGBTQ pa [...]

Homophobe of the Week: whipping advocate Irwandi Yusuf
Indonesian politician Irwandi Yusuf is the recipient of the Homophobe of the Week Award for deciding to continue whippings as a punishment for gay sex [...]
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