Tag: European Union

Europe heaps praise on Uganda, turns a blind eye to Ugandan repression

Europe heaps praise on Uganda, turns a blind eye to Ugandan repression

This is a commentary from Fabrice Houdart’s weekly newsletter on LGBTQ+ Equality. Click here to subscribe. Houdart is executive director of the Associ [...]
Ugandan court widely condemned for upholding harsh anti-LGBTQ law

Ugandan court widely condemned for upholding harsh anti-LGBTQ law

By Joto La Jiwe Uganda's Constitutional Court has come under widespread condemnation for its April 3 ruling that left intact the bulk of the [...]
Reeling from over 500 anti-LGBT abuses, Ugandan activists plead for help from West

Reeling from over 500 anti-LGBT abuses, Ugandan activists plead for help from West

Human rights activists in Uganda are appealing for a stronger response from Western nations that oppose Uganda's harsh new Anti-Homosexuality Act. [...]
United front against homophobic Ugandan law? Europe says no.

United front against homophobic Ugandan law? Europe says no.

Supporters of the human rights of LGBTQ people have failed to present a united front against Uganda's harsh Anti-Homosexuality Act. Despite app [...]
European Union prepares to assist LGBTI rights groups in Cameroon

European Union prepares to assist LGBTI rights groups in Cameroon

The coalition of Cameroon's 34 LGBTI rights organizations has signed a contract with the Delegation of the European Union in Cameroon to improve the g [...]
IDAHOT 2021: Foreign missions express solidarity with LGBTQI+ Ugandans

IDAHOT 2021: Foreign missions express solidarity with LGBTQI+ Ugandans

Diplomatic missions of the European Union, the United States and the United Nations came out strongly in support of LGBTQI+ people as Uganda and the i [...]
EU calls for urgent revision of Uganda’s anti-LGBTQI laws

EU calls for urgent revision of Uganda’s anti-LGBTQI laws

The European Union strongly criticized Uganda’s harsh laws against homosexuality, calling for their urgent revision and a strategy to combat discrimin [...]
Appeal to Europe:  Oppose Egypt’s human rights abuses

Appeal to Europe: Oppose Egypt’s human rights abuses

Twelve advocacy organizations yesterday urged the European Union to apply pressure on Egypt to halt its rampant human rights abuses. Subscrib [...]
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