Tag: prison

Congo lawmaker wants jail, not slavery, for LGBT people

Congo lawmaker wants jail, not slavery, for LGBT people

Congolese member of parliament and former presidential candidate Constant Mutamba is standing by his bill that would criminalize gay sex for the f [...]
Two Nigerian trans women find new hope after unjust prison sentences

Two Nigerian trans women find new hope after unjust prison sentences

In a remarkable turn of events, two Nigerian transgender women who endured a harrowing experience in Port Harcourt Prison after being accused of v [...]
Gay Nigerian student needs help in fight against trumped-up charge

Gay Nigerian student needs help in fight against trumped-up charge

Falsely accused of rape, Amadi is a young gay Nigerian who is battling health problems while he seeks to clear his name in court. You can help. [...]
Life after prison: Young gay Nigerian struggles to adjust

Life after prison: Young gay Nigerian struggles to adjust

A gay young Nigerian man, Adebayo, is having a hard time coping with life after his release from prison. Get a free subscription: Keep info [...]
Senegal: Activists pledge to confront Islamist homophobia

Senegal: Activists pledge to confront Islamist homophobia

LGBT rights activists in Senegal are speaking out against violently homophobic Islamists even as they work to help the victims of that homophobia. A t [...]
Egyptian LGBTQ+ activist Sara Hegazy dies by suicide

Egyptian LGBTQ+ activist Sara Hegazy dies by suicide

Sara Hegazy, 30, committed suicide on Sunday, June 14, more than two years after she was arrested for raising the rainbow LGBTQ+ pride flag in Cairo. [...]
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