The prelate of the Methodist church in Nigeria has condemned a decision by the British branch of the Methodist Church in favor of allowing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer [LGBTIQ] people to marry in the church.
From the African Human Rights Media Network

Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Kanu Uche. Photo source: Google.
By Mike Daemon
This is no surprise; homophobia in the church is not new, especially in Africa. Almost all churches in Africa refuse to accept that homosexuality is completely natural and a valid sexual orientation.
The assembly of Britain’s Methodist Church voted July 3 in favor of the principle of allowing same-sex persons to marry in the church. That will become the church’s official position if it is endorsed when the assembly meets again in 2020.
In reaction to the British Methodists’ decision, the prelate of the Methodist Church in Nigeria, Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Kanu Uche, described the decision as pagan, un-African, unethical and therefore unacceptable.
At a press meeting in Lagos, he said:
“To our chagrin and disappointment, we read from the Church Times, which is a British publication, that the British Methodist Church has adopted in principle, gay marriage and have directed their ministers to join people in marriage. We, of the Methodist Church, see it as absurd, un-African, unscriptural, unethical, pagan, immoral, indecent and therefore, unacceptable behaviour by the people of Nigeria, and Africa.
“The British told us that polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry were bad, so why are they going back? Why are they becoming morally and spiritually depraved? If they go ahead to ratify it in 2020, that will be the straw that can break the camel’s back. We will sever relationship and connection with them and stand on our own.
“If they are no longer having moral fiber, they should invite us to come and re-Christianise them. We are ready to do that. We will send missionaries to them because we believe that this move is satanic and coming from the pit of hell.”
In contrast, he expressed his delight at a recent decision by an international assembly of the United Methodist Church. That assembly, where about 43 percent of delegates came from abroad, mostly from Africa, voted against same-sex marriage and against allowing ordination of gay ministers.
NoStringsNG reached out to home-based LGBTIQ activist Samuel Uchenna for his opinion about the news and the prelate’s comments.
Uchenna, who is the executive director of Levites Initiative for Freedom & Enlightenment, a Nigerian human rights organization working to reconcile faith and sexuality, said he strongly disagreed with the prelate’s statements. He cited several passages in the Bible to support his stand that a person can be both gay and Christian. He said:
“I sincerely disagree with the Prelate’s opinion. All humans, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, are made in the image and likeness of God. According to Genesis 1:31, ‘God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.’ This confirms the words of Paul in 1 Timothy 4:4 — ‘Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks.’ ” (New Living Translation).
He called on Christians to accept gay people and to treat them as they treat every other person of faith.
“It is time for change in our churches and time for an honest acceptance of the differences within us on this issue, just as we do on other issues like sexual misconduct, religious discrimination or subjugation of women,” Uchenna said.
Hmm..a child is born tabular rassa,a clean slate.nobody is born homosexual or lesbian or even depends on how the child is raised,his environment,influences,genes that might make the person appear feminine or masculine etc.the person saying everything God created is good and must be accepted is clearly misled by societal trends.i believe that gay love is real.even a straight girl can see a beautiful girl and really admire or crush on her without having sexual thoughts.i don’t believe in harassing such people because they have rights and are human beings created by God for his glory.we are meant to love and not judge cus we aren’t god.but I don’t see how you reconcile being gay and a christian.our churches of Today have missed their focus from representing God’s kingdom to faith,charity, motivation preaching especially Western be a Christian means to follow Christ.who was Christ?a son who always talked about his father,talked of repentance, spoke of heaven lyk seriously do you all read your Bibles Christ was hated for his great desire to please God he couldn’t tolerate sin.he told us that we are strangers in this world it is not our home.we would be hated by men because we are not conformed to this world and it’s trends but we are dear marriage is instituted by God between a man and a woman.the penis with the sperm and the vagina to collect it to the womb.the anus to excrete not as an object for sexual God is not an author of confusion.if not he could have created two men to show us his plan but no he didn’t because he has an men and women are awesome human beings God does not hate them rather he loves them more each day but he hates their acts which is not his plan.there is no crime to admit that you are sexually attracted to men but the word of God should be your standard for living.the worst you can do to yourself is to marry a woman thinking it will cure you same thing as lust marriage does not cure lust and that is why we have cheating Christians when we fail to understand who we are and realize that Christianity is not a religion but a way of life emulating he who has overcome the world and having the holy spirit of God, failing to study and meditate on the word of Gd with persistent prayer and being surrounded by brethren then we will be people have rights are meant to be accepted,are Christian for the sake of religion, wonderful people but they are not pleasing god.being straight neither increases your chances of making heaven or being a better now we need to open our eyes support this people because they could be your brother or sister but we do not encourage it as a Christian.💓💓💓