Tag: Alice Nkom

‘I am not afraid’, says LGBTI rights attorney accused of financing terrorism in Cameroon
Veteran LGBTI rights attorney Alice Nkom has come under attack for allegedly "financing terrorism" -- a charge leveled by a Cameroonian [...]

Cameroon tries to shut down LGBTI-friendly human rights group
Cameroon has ordered the suspension of four non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for alleged financial misconduct, including the LGBTI- [...]

Will Cameroon repeal anti-LGBT law after First Daughter came out as a lesbian?
LGBTI rights activists say the need to repeal Cameroon's anti-homosexuality laws has become obvious, now that the daughter of longtime Cameroon Pr [...]

Conference in Paris aims to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide
France's new ambassador for LGBTI rights lends his support to African activists.
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Justice minister in Mali plans to make homosexuality a crime
Mahamadou Kassogué, justice minister for the West African nation of Mali, declared over the weekend that he will push for a law criminalizing homosexu [...]

Cameroon: Rising violence and arrests of LGBTI people
Security forces in Cameroon are failing to protect LGBTI people from violent attacks and instead are arresting the victims, Human Rights Watch said in [...]

Cameroon: Court orders Shakiro and Patricia to be set free
Internet trans celebrity Shakiro and her partner Patricia have been ordered freed from prison pending the outcome of an appeal of their conviction on [...]

Internet trans celebrity Shakiro sentenced to 5 years in prison
Online celebrity Shakiro and her companion, Patricia, have been convicted on homosexuality charges and sentenced to five years in prison. Their attorn [...]

Will Cameroon follow Gabon by repealing anti-gay law?
The LGBT community in Cameroon cheered when the parliament in neighboring Gabon voted to repeal its anti-homosexuality law. But many sectors of Camero [...]
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