Tag: Bedayaa

LGBTI activists live in fear amid renewed protests in Sudan
Queer activists in Sudan say they're living in fear after police on Monday fired tear gas at protesters during renewed pro-democracy protests seeking [...]

Biden is silent when a loud message on global LGBT rights is needed
COMMENTARY: The United States has missed important opportunities to send a strong, clear, much-needed message about the nation's commitment to global [...]

Sudan LGBT organizations condemn military coup
A trio of Sudanese LGBT human rights organizations released a statement condemning the recent coup in the northeast African country and calling for in [...]

Road Codes: Tracking anti-LGBTQ+ harrassment in Egypt
LGBTQ Egyptians have a new tool to help them stay safe -- Bedayaa's "Road Codes" platform, which allows users to mark and share the location of incide [...]

Hate speech on Facebook: Some progress, much remains to be done
Facebook has taken action to slow the spread of hate speech in response to protests by LGBTIQ+ activists in the Middle East and North Africa. But more [...]

Sudan drops death penalty for homosexuality
The East African nation of Sudan has removed the death penalty as a punishment for homosexuality, leaving life imprisonment as the maximum penalty for [...]

Egyptian activists seek global support to end LGBTQ persecution
In response to the recent suicide of queer activist Sarah Hegazy, the Egyptian and Sudanese LGBTQ+ Bedayaa Organization criticized mistreatment of LGB [...]

Repression in Egypt: 92 LGBTIQ+ arrests last year
Egyptian police continued to harass LGBTIQ+ people last year, entrapping some of them through dating apps and arresting dozens of others at random on [...]
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