Tag: John Magufuli

Tanzania warns of crackdown on pro-LGBT messages on social media
Tanzania has warned local social media users to censor pro-LGBT content or face arrest.
From the African Human Rights Media NetworkSubscrib [...]

Homophobic Tanzanians hit with last-minute U.S. visa restrictions
Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used some of his last minutes in office to impose visa restrictions on Tanzanian officials "responsible f [...]

Homophobic Tanzania seeks close ties to gay-friendly Joe Biden
The homophobic Tanzanian President, Dr John Magufuli, has sent a belated congratulatory message to U.S. President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-e [...]

Cutting aid to Tanzania: It worked (somewhat)
Cutting off foreign aid to homophobic countries can work, but only as a weapon that's used with discretion. That seems to be the moral of the story of [...]

Commentary: Help LGBT Africans by cutting aid to anti-gay Tanzania
Many African LGBT activists urge Western donors not to cut off aid to Tanzania or other homophobic African nations, even when those countries launch a [...]

Commentary: Withholding aid to Tanzania is a bad idea
LGBT+ Tanzanians will lose out and become scapegoats if donors cut aid, says Anthony Oluoch, program manager for the LGBT+ rights organization Pan Afr [...]

Tanzania’s anti-gay purge vanished into thin air?
Many signs suggested that this week's threatened roundup of gay Tanzanians was a nightmare that had vanished with the light of day. That might still t [...]

Tanzania hunts homosexuals, threatens ’round-up’
A Tanzanian official is threatening to launch a round-up of homosexuals starting next week. Paul Makonda, the governor of Dar-es-Salaam, said his anti [...]

65 groups protest Tanzania repression, LGBT arrests
A total of 65 civil society groups have challenged the government of Tanzania over "the worrying decline in respect for human rights,” citing persecut [...]
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