Search query: lubricants

To fight AIDS, Uganda finally imports water-based sex lubricants
Uganda government has finally allowed the importation and distribution of water-based sex lubricants, an AIDS-fighting device that officials had shun [...]

Global Fund to the rescue as Uganda tries to deny lubricants
The Global Fund has found a way to ease a Ugandan government-created shortage of lubricants, which are an important method of combating the spread of [...]

New push to give sex lubricants to Ugandan women, gay men
It's time for homophobic Ugandan officials to stop limiting access to sex lubricants especially because, without them, straight women as well as homos [...]

Uganda risks HIV upsurge due to harsh new Anti-Homosexuality Law
New York Times reporter Apoorva Mandavilli traveled to Uganda and talked to more than 30 citizens and medical providers about the health impacts of th [...]

Senior Uganda government health rights ally Prof. Anthony Mbonye has died
Prof. Anthony Mbonye, the former Director General of Uganda's Health Services who has been instrumental in advocating for healthcare access for homose [...]

Uganda: LGBTQI access to health services remains problematic
A study by Uganda's Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) has revealed that LGBTQI persons in Uganda continue to face barriers in accessi [...]

Senegal: Activists pledge to confront Islamist homophobia
LGBT rights activists in Senegal are speaking out against violently homophobic Islamists even as they work to help the victims of that homophobia. A t [...]

How LGBTIQ+ Nigerians are coping with COVID-19 pandemic
The LGBTIQ+ community in Nigeria has been severely impacted by the new coronavirus, LGBTIQ+ human rights activists say.
From the African Human Ri [...]

Uganda activists fear Covid-19 lockdown imperils AIDS fight
LGBT-rights and health-rights advocates in Uganda fear that the country's new lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19 will disrupt their fight agai [...]

Tanzania’s anti-gay purge vanished into thin air?
Many signs suggested that this week's threatened roundup of gay Tanzanians was a nightmare that had vanished with the light of day. That might still t [...]

In Cameroon, life is hell because I support my gay brother
In Cameroon, if you are a loving, supportive member of a gay man's family, you can become a target for violently anti-gay attackers.
Cameroonia [...]
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