Category: Central Africa

1 2 3 4 150 / 167 POSTS
Cameroon: Four gay men arrested, beaten in Kekem

Cameroon: Four gay men arrested, beaten in Kekem

Police in the western region of Cameroon arrested four men on Tuesday who were beaten until they acknowledged that they were gay. From the [...]
Prominent citizens unite to combat abuse of LGBTI Cameroonians

Prominent citizens unite to combat abuse of LGBTI Cameroonians

Two of Cameroon's most prominent LGBTI advocacy groups have merged two projects that help victims of homophobia through the influence of prominent cit [...]
Cameroon: Charges dropped against 53 arrested in Bafoussam

Cameroon: Charges dropped against 53 arrested in Bafoussam

Charges have been dropped against 53 members of the LGBTI community in western Cameroon who were arrested last month for violating Covid-19 regulation [...]
Covid-19 in Cameroon: Human rights defenders adopt new strategies

Covid-19 in Cameroon: Human rights defenders adopt new strategies

During the Covid-19 health crisis, human rights defenders need to adjust their strategies for preventing and responding to homophobic and transphobic [...]
Cameroon: Rising tide of anti-LGBTI violence

Cameroon: Rising tide of anti-LGBTI violence

The latest report on homophobic and transphobic violence in Cameroon paints a grim picture of a rising tide of violence against LGBTI Cameroonians, bu [...]
LGBTI in Cameroon: 50 arrested on Covid-19 charges

LGBTI in Cameroon: 50 arrested on Covid-19 charges

Police arrested 50 LGBTI people who gathered on May 17 in Bafoussam, western Cameroon, to learn about Covid-19 and to celebrate progress in internatio [...]
IDAHOBIT in Cameroon: Amid Covid-19 crisis, activists demand LGBTI rights

IDAHOBIT in Cameroon: Amid Covid-19 crisis, activists demand LGBTI rights

Despite the global health crisis, LGBTI activists in Cameroon figured out how to celebrate IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia [...]
After Cameroon murder: ‘We condemn the prejudiced reporting on homosexuality’

After Cameroon murder: ‘We condemn the prejudiced reporting on homosexuality’

Human rights organizations in Cameroon are protesting a news video that tied a Douala man's murder to his reported homosexuality. From the [...]
Cameroon: Local chief expels four anti-AIDS activists

Cameroon: Local chief expels four anti-AIDS activists

Four young adults in eastern Cameroon were thrown out of their homes after their work at an anti-AIDS training session came to light. From [...]
Because I’m trans, I live in the shadows in Cameroon

Because I’m trans, I live in the shadows in Cameroon

In Cameroon and many other African countries, transgender people encounter curiosity but also hostility when they appear in public. This is the story [...]
Alternatives-Cameroon expands to the nation’s capital

Alternatives-Cameroon expands to the nation’s capital

The highly regarded LGBTI advocacy group Alternatives-Cameroon has expanded its work into Yaoundé from its Douala base. From the African Hu [...]
Cameroon family evicts trans daughter who loves men

Cameroon family evicts trans daughter who loves men

A young transgender activist in Cameroon has been evicted from her family home because of her gender identity. She is now homeless and needs help. [...]
New shelter for victims of anti-gay violence and bias in Cameroon

New shelter for victims of anti-gay violence and bias in Cameroon

The LGBTI advocacy group Camfaids has secured funding and a site to reopen its shelter for victims of anti-LGBTI violence and discrimination. [...]
Cameroon: Parents evict young lesbian, but she’s not alone

Cameroon: Parents evict young lesbian, but she’s not alone

So far, the new year has been a time of difficult revelations for Lina, a 20-year-old lesbian living with her family in Yaoundé, Cameroon. [...]
Cameroon: Veteran gay-rights activist Desmond Sone dies of lung ailment

Cameroon: Veteran gay-rights activist Desmond Sone dies of lung ailment

Gay rights activists are mourning the death of Desmond Sone Mbecho, a veteran of the struggle for LGBT rights in Cameroon. From the African H [...]
Anti-gay violence remains a danger in Africa and worldwide

Anti-gay violence remains a danger in Africa and worldwide

Year in review: Despite signs of progress, 2019 remained a dangerous time for LGBTQ people in Africa and worldwide.   In the United S [...]
U.S. ambassadors seek repeal of 69 nations’ anti-gay laws

U.S. ambassadors seek repeal of 69 nations’ anti-gay laws

U.S. ambassadors are promoting LGBTQ rights worldwide even as gay-rights activists blast the Trump administration for anti-LGBTQ domestic policies. [...]
Tally of nations where it’s a crime to be gay rises to 73

Tally of nations where it’s a crime to be gay rises to 73

The central African nation of Gabon has adopted a law against same-sex sexual relations, running counter to the general trend of countries overturning [...]
Camfaids wins funds to reopen LGBTI safe house in Cameroon

Camfaids wins funds to reopen LGBTI safe house in Cameroon

The LGBTI advocacy group Camfaids has secured funds to reopen its safe house in Cameroon even though Camfaids has not yet found a suitable new site fo [...]
Cameroon: Money runs out; LGBTI safe house closes

Cameroon: Money runs out; LGBTI safe house closes

The LGBTI advocacy group Camfaids has run out of funds to keep its safe house open in Cameroon. From the African Human Rights Media Network [...]
Cameroon: Burglary and threatened eviction of suspected lesbian

Cameroon: Burglary and threatened eviction of suspected lesbian

The apartment of a lesbian rights activist in Cameroon was burglarized last month after a disgruntled neighbor accused her of being too masculine. Her [...]
Cameroon’s Unity human rights watchdog project expands

Cameroon’s Unity human rights watchdog project expands

Cameroon's LGBTI rights watchdog group is adding an advocacy office and getting a new logo. From the African Human Rights Media Network [...]
Cameroon: Police probe victims of homophobic assault

Cameroon: Police probe victims of homophobic assault

Participants in a health rights training session in Yaoundé, Cameroon, were violently assaulted late last month by anti-LGBT assailants. Police respon [...]
We freed 3 gay men from prison

We freed 3 gay men from prison

Gay rights activists and donors have freed the last three prisoners serving sentences for homosexuality in northern Cameroon. From the Africa [...]
Cameroon: You’re gay? No more school for you!

Cameroon: You’re gay? No more school for you!

Next month two young gay men in Cameroon planned to resume training for a human resources career, but they can't. The reason: Their parents found out [...]
Cameroon: Death of LGBTI activist Lambert Lamba

Cameroon: Death of LGBTI activist Lambert Lamba

With the death of activist Marc Lambert Lamba, Cameroon lost a pioneer in the fight against anti-LGBTI violence. From the African Human Right [...]
Cameroon: Trans people form their own advocacy network

Cameroon: Trans people form their own advocacy network

The new TransAfrican Independent Network in Cameroon is working to confront transphobia and empower transgender people. From the African Human [...]
Cameroon: Trans leader in hiding after transphobic attack

Cameroon: Trans leader in hiding after transphobic attack

A leader of Cameroon's transgender community is recuperating from a transphobic attack that almost killed her. From the African Human Right [...]
Cameroon man evicts sister over fear that she’s a lesbian

Cameroon man evicts sister over fear that she’s a lesbian

Lesbophobia breaks apart a family in Cameroon; a sister is left homeless. From the African Human Rights Media Network By Steeves [...]
Cameroon: Assaults, rape, death threats over lesbian affair

Cameroon: Assaults, rape, death threats over lesbian affair

In April, when a Cameroonian man learned that his common-law wife was attracted to women, he assaulted her, raped her lover and threatened to kill th [...]
Dramatic increase in violence against LGBT people in Cameroon

Dramatic increase in violence against LGBT people in Cameroon

The 2018 report on violence against LGBT people in Cameroon shows a sharp and shameful increase. This alarming situation is due to widespread ignoranc [...]
Cameroon university blocks career of LGBTI activist

Cameroon university blocks career of LGBTI activist

Officials at the University of Yaoundé II in Cameroon have blocked the academic career of a mature student known as Kundy (a pseudonym) because of his [...]
Cameroon death threats: 2 gay lovers outed by each other

Cameroon death threats: 2 gay lovers outed by each other

A lovers' quarrel last month led to death threats, a knife attack, a closeted pastor losing his job, and his lover fleeing for his life. Fr [...]
Vandals hit north Cameroon group fighting for gay rights

Vandals hit north Cameroon group fighting for gay rights

Northern Cameroon's only gay-rights advocacy group is seeking help with beefing up security after its headquarters was vandalized last week. [...]
Cameroon: Lesbian athlete ousted, living in fear

Cameroon: Lesbian athlete ousted, living in fear

Barred from playing pro football (soccer) in Cameroon because she is a lesbian, Stenie is worried about her safety as she considers making a formal co [...]
Cameroon: Crowd kills ‘man of God’ caught in the act

Cameroon: Crowd kills ‘man of God’ caught in the act

A pious shopkeeper in northern Cameroon was caught having sex with his 17-year-old male lover. Outraged, his neighbors killed him in the town's centra [...]
Estranged dad seizes kids from lesbian mom in Cameroon

Estranged dad seizes kids from lesbian mom in Cameroon

The long-absent father of two young children recently took them away from their lesbian mother after threatening to send her to prison for her sexual [...]
Cameroon: Homophobia derails a pro sports career

Cameroon: Homophobia derails a pro sports career

Because of public pressure and fear of lesbians, a star athlete is barred from every football (soccer) club in Cameroon. Now she's trying to get back [...]
List of alleged homosexuals endangers 82 in Cameroon

List of alleged homosexuals endangers 82 in Cameroon

In Cameroon, a new list of people accused of being homosexuals has put 82 people's lives and careers at risk. From the African Human Rights Media N [...]
Battered and slashed, gay man seeks escape from Cameroon

Battered and slashed, gay man seeks escape from Cameroon

After being seriously wounded by homophobic attackers wielding clubs, rocks and machetes, Pierre wants to leave Cameroon. But so far he has been block [...]
Cameroon: Have a male partner? 3 years in prison

Cameroon: Have a male partner? 3 years in prison

Ismael was living with his partner, an arrangement that outraged his neighbors in northern Cameroon. A Muslim, he was arrested, tried, convicted and n [...]
Gay Muslim in a Cameroon prison, ‘almost a slave’

Gay Muslim in a Cameroon prison, ‘almost a slave’

A gay Muslim who was arrested in 2015 when police raided his Cameroon hotel room, Ibrahim was sentenced to prison because his hotel rendezvous was wit [...]
6 years in prison because Abdelaziz loved a man

6 years in prison because Abdelaziz loved a man

Abdelaziz has been in Guider prison in northern Cameroon since 2015, sentenced to sex years of imprisonment because of his sexual orientation. [...]
Help feed 3 mistreated, hungry gay prisoners

Help feed 3 mistreated, hungry gay prisoners

You can make a difference in a world that's awash with homophobia: Your donation will be used to buy and deliver food for three close-to-malnourished [...]
Murder strikes gay Cameroon teen who sought safety in city

Murder strikes gay Cameroon teen who sought safety in city

By Mike Daemon A gay teenager escaped from the dangers of war-torn northwestern Cameroon by moving to the capital to continue his education. But he [...]
Cameroon father decrees: No school for lesbian daughter

Cameroon father decrees: No school for lesbian daughter

In southern Cameroon, a father who discovered his daughter's sexual orientation has blocked her from attending her final year of school. By S [...]
Gay Muslim is dead, but he’s still barred from Cameroon cemetery

Gay Muslim is dead, but he’s still barred from Cameroon cemetery

Even after his death, indignities continued for Isma, a gay Muslim in Cameroon. Because of his sexual orientation, religious authorities refused to al [...]
Police bludgeon Cameroon cross-dresser for staying silent

Police bludgeon Cameroon cross-dresser for staying silent

A police officer confronted a cross-dresser last week in northwest Cameroon, insulted him and then bludgeoned him out of frustration when the man held [...]
Anti-gay Cameroon landlord fails to evict gay tenant

Anti-gay Cameroon landlord fails to evict gay tenant

A gay man named Deon tried to be a model tenant, but his anti-gay landlord still wanted to evict him. Then the neighbors got involved. By Steeves [...]
Cameroon: two men kiss in public. Result: a beating

Cameroon: two men kiss in public. Result: a beating

In Cameroon, some people's views of homosexuality are "evolving," says the CamerounWeb news site. But that didn't help two men who kissed in public la [...]
1 2 3 4 150 / 167 POSTS