Tag: Lesbian

New sequel to groundbreaking Nigerian queer film is underway

New sequel to groundbreaking Nigerian queer film is underway

The Nigerian queer film community is abuzz with excitement following the announcement of Ìfé – The Sequel, a follow-up to the groundbreaking 2020 shor [...]
Blackmailers ruined my life: Bisexual Nigerian woman shares ugly experience

Blackmailers ruined my life: Bisexual Nigerian woman shares ugly experience

As with many LGBT people in Nigeria, where homosexuality is criminalized, Judith got married in an attempt to avoid social stigma. What she didn't cou [...]
Fighting for change in Senegal, lesbian activist sees a long, difficult road ahead

Fighting for change in Senegal, lesbian activist sees a long, difficult road ahead

In a short interview, Senegalese lesbian activist Guadalupe Dansokho (a pseudonym), presents her unvarnished observations of her home country -- plagu [...]
Grateful but wary: The story of a raped lesbian in Cameroon

Grateful but wary: The story of a raped lesbian in Cameroon

This story begins with a rape and ends with a crib. From the African Human Rights Media NetworkSubscribe for free in the box at right. [...]
For lesbians in Senegal, violence, rape, and poverty are constant threats

For lesbians in Senegal, violence, rape, and poverty are constant threats

We spoke with Guadalupe, a 25-year-old Senegalese lesbian, to learn more about the violence that women, and particularly lesbian and queer women, face [...]
Cameroon: Lesbian barely survived family rejection; now she has hope

Cameroon: Lesbian barely survived family rejection; now she has hope

TRIGGER WARNING:  After a 25-year-old lesbian told her family about her sexual orientation, their harsh reaction left her unwilling to go on living. B [...]
Qtalk advice for LGBTQ questions about jobs, love, loan and rape

Qtalk advice for LGBTQ questions about jobs, love, loan and rape

LGBTQ+ Nigerians benefit from the support provided by volunteer counselors via the Qtalk app, which is supported by this site and by the St. Paul’s Fo [...]
Nollywood actress Eucharia Anunobi spreads homophobic message

Nollywood actress Eucharia Anunobi spreads homophobic message

Veteran Nigerian actress Eucharia Anunobi has joined the list of homophobic Nigerian celebrities who condemn LGBTIQ+ people. By Mike Daemon [...]
Raped lesbian prepares to give birth, but needs help

Raped lesbian prepares to give birth, but needs help

Pregnant because of a rape, a young Cameroon lesbian is seeking a helping hand as she prepares for the arrival of her baby. To help Abigail [...]
Uganda: ‘LBQ Womxn’ need equal access to health

Uganda: ‘LBQ Womxn’ need equal access to health

Freedom and Roam Uganda, a lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) organisation, is about to publish a book urging Ugandan human rights and health-care righ [...]
A cry for help: Cameroon lesbian is raising the rapist father’s baby

A cry for help: Cameroon lesbian is raising the rapist father’s baby

Belle, a 20-year-old lesbian in Yaoundé, is a victim of sexual abuse and family rejection who is struggling to make ends meet for herself and her two- [...]
Blackmail, parents, threats – Qtalk helps LGBTQ+ Nigerians

Blackmail, parents, threats – Qtalk helps LGBTQ+ Nigerians

LGBTIQ+ Nigerians benefit from the support provided by volunteer counselors via the Qtalk app. (Seventh in a series) From the African Human Right [...]
Slander, HIV, bias at work – Qtalk helps LGBTQ+ Nigerians

Slander, HIV, bias at work – Qtalk helps LGBTQ+ Nigerians

LGBTIQ+ Nigerians benefit from the support provided by volunteer counselors via the Qtalk app. (Sixth in a series) From the African Human Rig [...]
Family, blackmail, intersex – Qtalk helps LGBTQ+ Nigerians

Family, blackmail, intersex – Qtalk helps LGBTQ+ Nigerians

LGBTIQ+ Nigerians benefit from the support provided by volunteer counselors via the Qtalk app. (Fifth in a series) From the African Human Rig [...]
Lesbian life in Cameroon: Her dream is to escape

Lesbian life in Cameroon: Her dream is to escape

Like many citizens of Cameroon, Elsy has a dream. She dreams of leaving  her native country and moving to Europe or the United States where she could [...]
Cameroon: Lesbian love affair ends in death, but who was the killer?

Cameroon: Lesbian love affair ends in death, but who was the killer?

After a lesbian love affair in Cameroon turned fatal, police are investigating whether the killer was the dead woman's lover or an angry brother. [...]
‘People should expect greatness’ in film about Nigerian women in love

‘People should expect greatness’ in film about Nigerian women in love

In a NoStringsNG podcast interview, Nigerian actress Cindy Amadi defends "Ìfé", the new and trending Nollywood film about two women who fall in love w [...]
Film Alert: Nigeria’s first lesbian-themed film coming your way

Film Alert: Nigeria’s first lesbian-themed film coming your way

The Nigerian LGBTIQ+ community is pumped up in expectation of an upcoming lesbian-themed film. From the African Human Rights Media Network [...]
Queer Squad: Tunisian comic embraces LGBTQ life in quarantine

Queer Squad: Tunisian comic embraces LGBTQ life in quarantine

Introducing "Queer Squad", a new comic book that opens to a flirtatious late-night Grindr exchange between a Tunisian bisexual trans man and a gay Bra [...]
‘I thought dating a woman was a sin’ – Out Nigerian lesbian couple shares

‘I thought dating a woman was a sin’ – Out Nigerian lesbian couple shares

Out and proud Nigerian lesbian couple Amara and Olayinka have shared their coming out stories to inspire other LGBTQ+ Nigerians. From the African [...]
‘I lost a promotion because of my sexuality’: Nigerian gay man shares

‘I lost a promotion because of my sexuality’: Nigerian gay man shares

In a sad, too-familiar tale, a Lagos-based Nigerian gay man in his mid-30s has been refused a promotion at work because of his perceived sexual orient [...]
Cameroon: Burglary and threatened eviction of suspected lesbian

Cameroon: Burglary and threatened eviction of suspected lesbian

The apartment of a lesbian rights activist in Cameroon was burglarized last month after a disgruntled neighbor accused her of being too masculine. Her [...]
Here’s a newsletter every Nigerian lesbian, bisexual and queer woman should read

Here’s a newsletter every Nigerian lesbian, bisexual and queer woman should read

With the country’s anti-gay law and Nigeria’s homophobia, being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer in Nigeria can be truly frustrating and h [...]
Nigeria’s first lesbian documentary film is finally here

Nigeria’s first lesbian documentary film is finally here

The Equality Hub, a Lagos-based Nigerian human rights non-governmental organization, has produced Nigeria's first lesbian-focused documentary film. [...]
Nigerian lesbian reveals why she will marry a gay man

Nigerian lesbian reveals why she will marry a gay man

Liz, age 35, is under pressure from her family to get married but, as a lesbian, that's a problem for her. Here she explains how she plans to get by i [...]
Cameroon father decrees: No school for lesbian daughter

Cameroon father decrees: No school for lesbian daughter

In southern Cameroon, a father who discovered his daughter's sexual orientation has blocked her from attending her final year of school. By S [...]
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