Tag: Human Rights Watch

African Human Rights Commission affirms intersex people’s rights
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The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, [...]

Uganda races to adopt new ‘Jail the Gays Bill’, greeted by silence in U.S. and Europe
Uganda's latest "Jail the Gays Bill" has not yet aroused many strong protests from American and European supporters of the human rights of LGBTQ peopl [...]

Commentary: Sex test of Zambian footballer is a human rights violation
The international governing body for football/soccer has ruled that a Zambian woman cannot play on the Zambian women's team based on sex testing proce [...]

A year after the arrest of 21 activists in Ghana, where do we go from here?
A year after the arrest of 21 human rights activists on homosexuality-related charges in Ho, Ghana, an activist/researcher asks: Where do we go from h [...]

Cameroon: Rising violence and arrests of LGBTI people
Security forces in Cameroon are failing to protect LGBTI people from violent attacks and instead are arresting the victims, Human Rights Watch said in [...]

Another attack in South Africa, a land of pro-gay laws and anti-gay violence
A 24-year-old Durban man remains in hospital almost a week after he was beaten by three men in a brutal anti-LGBTIQ+ hate crime.
From the Afr [...]

South Africa president praises his nation for embracing gay rights
South African President, Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa has praised South Africa for creating a conducive environment for homosexuals to practice same-sex m [...]

Report: Cameroonian asylum seekers face abuse in U.S. and back home
Authorities in the United States and Cameroon subjected dozens of unsuccessful Cameroonian asylum seekers to serious human rights violations, Human Ri [...]

Tunisian LGBT activists fight back after alleged police assault
A series of high-profile assaults and arrests of LGBTQ activists in Tunisia is drawing attention to the pervasiveness of police abuse, torture, and re [...]

Even the government admits it: Anti-LGBTI abuses intensify in Cameroon
The government of Cameroon has acknowledged that its LGBTI citizens are increasingly the targets of violent homophobic attacks.
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Tunisia: LGBT rights activist imprisoned for shouting
A Tunisian court sentenced a prominent LGBT rights activist on March 4 to six months in prison and a fine for shouting outside a police station after [...]

Appeal to Europe: Oppose Egypt’s human rights abuses
Twelve advocacy organizations yesterday urged the European Union to apply pressure on Egypt to halt its rampant human rights abuses.
Subscrib [...]

Algeria sentences 44 arrested at ‘gay wedding’
An Algerian court has sentenced two men to three years in prison on homosexuality charges and imposed suspended sentences on 42 others who were arrest [...]

Report: Egyptian security forces abuse, torture LGBT people
LGBT people in Egypt are the victims of arbitrary arrests, discrimination, entrapment and violations of privacy, a new report from Human Rights Watch [...]

On appeal, Tunisian court imposes 1-year prison term for gay sex
A Tunisian appeals court let stand the sodomy conviction of two men who ended up in police custody in June when they had a falling out over a loan. Ac [...]

Tunisia: Squabble leads to two-year jail term for sodomy
After two Tunisian men had a falling out over a loan, they were arrested by police, charged with sodomy, convicted, and sentenced to two years in pris [...]

Gabon lawmakers seek to decriminalize homosexuality
Legislators in Gabon took the first step yesterday toward repealing the central African nation's anti-gay law, which had been enacted just a year ago. [...]

Tanzania’s anti-LGBT crackdown: ‘If we won’t get services we will die’
Tanzania is ignoring effective anti-AIDS strategies and replacing them with a prejudiced anti-gay crackdown. That's the conclusion of a new report fro [...]

Appeal to Tunisia: End prosecution of LGBT activist who offended Muslims
The human rights group Human Rights Watch is urging Tunisian authorities to drop their lawsuit against LGBT rights activist Mounir Baatour, who wrote [...]

Uganda: Two trans women brutally attacked; one is missing
Transgender women in Uganda are living in fear after a brutal attack on two trans women Oct. 12 in Kampala, which came amid renewed calls by some of t [...]

Fear: If unchained, faith-based bias would crush LGBT medical care
Gay Africans barred from medical care. A rise in HIV infections in homophobic countries. Reduced access to health care for LGBTI people both in the Un [...]

Gay arrests in Malawi: More mixed signals on gay rights
The southeast African country of Malawi remains torn about homosexuality -- unwilling to repeal its anti-homosexuality law, but also unwilling to enfo [...]

Cutting aid to Tanzania: It worked (somewhat)
Cutting off foreign aid to homophobic countries can work, but only as a weapon that's used with discretion. That seems to be the moral of the story of [...]

Tanzania’s anti-gay purge vanished into thin air?
Many signs suggested that this week's threatened roundup of gay Tanzanians was a nightmare that had vanished with the light of day. That might still t [...]

Tunisian officials propose repeal of anti-gay law
An official presidential advisory committee in Tunisia has recommended repeal of the country's anti-gay law.
NBC News reported:
The [...]
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